When my daughter was younger, she was keen to sew along with me, and she made a few simple projects of her own, like cushions and a dolly quilt. She fell in love with some red and white snowman/Winter themed fabric on a trip to a fabric shop one day, and so I bought her a layer cake with those fabrics in for her birthday, to make her first full size quilt. She was so excited to make this quilt, and she opted for triangles, carefully sewing a red and white one together with pretty neat 1/4 inch seams. Once she had finished, she popped them to one side and went off for a rest, planning to come back and sew the blocks together another day, but that day never happened. Secondary school hit her hard, and she found herself with long days, lots of homework and very little free time, plus hitting the teenage years definitely dampened her enthusiasm for creative pursuits!
Well, fast forward a few years, and my now 15 year old daughter was watching me quilting like a maniac on all my projects before Christmas, and she suddenly said, "I must finish the snowman quilt I started ages ago!" Obviously I had all the blocks safely stored away, so I was able to dig them out, and she went straight back at it as if there hadn't been a gap of several years. I was using the main sewing room, so I had to set her up in the lounge on my desk with my small machine, but she just got on with it, and she has a beautiful red and white chevron quilt top all finished now. She has also pieced together strips for the backing too, so it's actually me holding her up now, as I need to help her baste it, but after that, she is going to quilt and finish it herself. I am definitely very chuffed that she has picked up her sewing again, and I thought it was definitely worth a blog post to commemorate the occasion :-)