I woke up early this morning, and just couldn't get back to sleep, so I crept downstairs, making sure not to wake up my youngest and have been enjoying some rare time completely alone and in total silence - it's bliss! :-) I love my family dearly, and they have all been amazing during this past year, but I do also love to be alone sometimes, and that is virtually impossible when there are 5 of you living, working and schooling at home. Thankfully I've learned to adjust to the new normal, and get on with my sewing despite the constant interruptions, and I've managed quite a bit this week.
I found a mini charm pack in my stash which was the perfect size to make this sweet little heart block cushion. I actually love the heart, and I am thinking it would make a lovely quilt with lots of rainbow heart blocks, or even a giant heart with a layer cake...

I enjoy making cushions alongside my quilts, as they are nice little projects which finish quickly, so I get a few 'ta da' I've finished something moments to spur me on in between the larger projects. I had some small lengths of jelly roll strips left over from my blue/grey quilt, so I chopped them up and made a coordinating scrappy cushion to go with it. Now I really am all set for snuggly TV evenings.

Aside from the cushions, I've made progress on my little mouse quilt blocks, and I am excited to see it come together as a cute baby quilt.

I've also done some sorting out, mainly of 2.5 inch strips, as I had quite a few shoved in a box, but they are now neatly organised into colour and folded. (Thank you to my daughter who helped me fold them all) I'm definitely a little short in the yellow department, and the orange too but that's ok, as orange is my least favourite colour and I basically only tolerate it because it's needed in rainbows!

My last achievement for this week is possibly my biggest, but it doesn't involve sewing as such... (insert drum roll here) I'm not very tech savvy, but this week, I have managed to set up both an Instagram and a Facebook page for Love and Legacy Quilts, and I can now post to both with just one post! :-D Ok, yes I know I am years behind the rest of the world, but hey, I'm still proud of myself for figuring it out in the end. I'm so excited to hopefully find more kindred spirits, and I am loving following other quilty people so my feed is full of ideas and inspiration! I've no idea how I'm going to find the time to sew all these new ideas, but I'll get there in the end I'm sure.