It feels like a very long time since I updated the blog, but I do like to have a break every Summer, and let's face it, there are basically only 3 half decent Summery months in the UK to enjoy, so enjoy them I did. I also dislike quilting when it's hot, as who wants to have the iron on for pressing and quilts bunched up in your lap when it's already too warm. Anyway, it was a slightly longer break than usual, but now the kids are into their second week of school, life is settling back into a routine again, and it's now cooler again, so I am getting back into the swing of things. Although my sewing has been minimal over the Summer, I did use the time to have a good sort out and rearrange the sewing room so that it works better for me. I am very pleased with the results, as almost everything has a home now, and I can see more easily where everything is. It's still a bit cluttered, but definitely organised clutter for now.

One major new addition the the sewing room this Summer has been my new best friend - the Bernina 770 QE!! :-D Although I love my Janome 9450, I have wanted a Bernina for sooooo long, that in the end, I gave in to my hearts desire and here she is, tada...

She is very beautiful isn't she, and as soon as she was out of the box I could just feel the sturdiness and quality of her. The manual is VERY thick, and full of beautiful full colour instructions which are nice and clear. Normally I read the whole manual cover to cover before I try out a new machine, but I confess that this time I just read the essentials, watched some helpful you tube set up videos and got going, with lots of manual still to read. I haven't tried out my Bernina stitch regulator yet, but this is one of the things I wanted most, and I am very much looking forward to seeing the results in my free motion quilting. I didn't buy it (yet!) but this machine is also set up to add on an embroidery unit if I want to further down the line, which is definitely something I've not used before, and I might try it in the future, but I'm happy just to quilt for now. Another great thing about this is the bobbins, I LOVE the bobbins, and they are bigger than normal, so less bobbin changes - always a winner! Oh, and the little 'wardrobe' for the Bernina accessories and feet to hang in, it is so cool, and I never thought I could get so excited about accessory storage. :-)
Anyway, I'm looking forward to actually getting my quilting underway again, and I have kept my Janome in it's table and put it in the lounge for now, so I can be piecing on one and quilting on the other, until the Christmas tree needs to go up, then I'll need the bay window back. ;-) I am excited to be back on instagram again too, seeing what all my quilty friends are up to and just generally gazing at all the beautiful projects that I need about 100 years to make. Happy Autumn everyone and here's to lots of cool season sewing... Jo xx